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  Analyse AWS Cloudformation templates passed by parameter. Exit codes:   - 0
  = all templates valid and scanned successfully   - 1 = error / issue in
  scanning at least one template   - 2 = at least one template is not valid
  according to CFRipper (template scanned successfully)   - 3 = unknown /
  unhandled exception in scanning the templates

  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  --resolve / --no-resolve        Resolves cloudformation variables and
                                  intrinsic functions  [default: no-resolve]
  --resolve-parameters FILENAME   JSON/YML file containing key-value pairs
                                  used for resolving CloudFormation files with
                                  templated parameters. For example, {"abc":
                                  "ABC"} will change all occurrences of
                                  {"Ref": "abc"} in the CloudFormation file to
  --format [json|txt]             Output format  [default: txt]
  --output-folder DIRECTORY       If not present, result will be sent to
                                  Logging level  [default: INFO]
  --rules-config-file FILENAME    Loads rules configuration file (type: [.py,
  --rules-filters-folder DIRECTORY
                                  All files in the folder must be of type:
                                  [.py, .pyc]
  --aws-account-id TEXT           A 12-digit AWS account number eg.
  --aws-principals TEXT           A comma separated list of AWS principals eg.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Normal execution

$ cfripper /tmp/root.yaml /tmp/root_bypass.json --format txt
Analysing /tmp/root.yaml...
Not adding CrossAccountTrustRule failure in rootRole because no AWS Account ID was found in the config.
Valid: False
Issues found:
    - FullWildcardPrincipalRule: rootRole should not allow wildcards in principals (principal: '*')
    - IAMRolesOverprivilegedRule: Role 'rootRole' contains an insecure permission '*' in policy 'root'
Analysing /tmp/root_bypass.json...
Valid: True

Using resolve flag

$ cfripper /tmp/root.yaml /tmp/root_bypass.json --format txt --resolve
Analysing /tmp/root.yaml...
Not adding CrossAccountTrustRule failure in rootRole because no AWS Account ID was found in the config.
Valid: False
Issues found:
    - FullWildcardPrincipalRule: rootRole should not allow wildcards in principals (principal: '*')
    - IAMRolesOverprivilegedRule: Role 'rootRole' contains an insecure permission '*' in policy 'root'
Analysing /tmp/root_bypass.json...
Not adding CrossAccountTrustRule failure in rootRole because no AWS Account ID was found in the config.
Valid: False
Issues found:
    - IAMRolesOverprivilegedRule: Role 'rootRole' contains an insecure permission '*' in policy 'root'
Monitored issues found:
    - PartialWildcardPrincipalRule: rootRole contains an unknown principal: 123456789012
    - PartialWildcardPrincipalRule: rootRole should not allow wildcard in principals or account-wide principals 
(principal: 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root')

Using json format and output-folder argument

$ cfripper /tmp/root.yaml /tmp/root_bypass.json --format json --resolve --output-folder /tmp
Analysing /tmp/root.yaml...
Not adding CrossAccountTrustRule failure in rootRole because no AWS Account ID was found in the config.
Result saved in /tmp/root.yaml.cfripper.results.json
Analysing /tmp/root_bypass.json...
Not adding CrossAccountTrustRule failure in rootRole because no AWS Account ID was found in the config.
Result saved in /tmp/root_bypass.json.cfripper.results.json

Using the "aws-account-id" and "aws-principals" arguments

  • --aws-account-id is used to specify the AWS Account you want to check the template against
  • --aws-principals is used to specify the expected/allowed principals to ignore when checking the template

See how the output is reduced as each option is added:

Without either argument, 13 issues:

$ cfripper ./tests/test_templates/rules/S3CrossAccountTrustRule/s3_bucket_cross_account_and_normal.json --format txt --resolve
Analysing ./tests/test_templates/rules/S3CrossAccountTrustRule/s3_bucket_cross_account_and_normal.json...
Using `UNDEFINED_PARAM_S3Bucket` for S3Bucket. Original value wasn't available.
Not adding S3CrossAccountTrustRule failure in S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess because no AWS Account ID was found in the config.
Not adding S3CrossAccountTrustRule failure in S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess because no AWS Account ID was found in the config.
Not adding S3CrossAccountTrustRule failure in S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess because no AWS Account ID was found in the config.
Not adding S3CrossAccountTrustRule failure in S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess because no AWS Account ID was found in the config.
Valid: False
Issues found:
    - PartialWildcardPrincipalRule: S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess should not allow wildcard in principals or account-wide principals (principal: 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/some-role/some-other-sub-role')
    - PartialWildcardPrincipalRule: S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess should not allow wildcard in principals or account-wide principals (principal: 'arn:aws:iam::666555444333:root')
    - S3BucketPolicyPrincipalRule: S3 Bucket S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess policy has non-allowed principals 123456789012
    - S3BucketPolicyPrincipalRule: S3 Bucket S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess policy has non-allowed principals 123456789012
    - S3BucketPolicyPrincipalRule: S3 Bucket S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess policy has non-allowed principals 123456789012
    - S3BucketPolicyPrincipalRule: S3 Bucket S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess policy has non-allowed principals 123456789012
    - S3BucketPolicyPrincipalRule: S3 Bucket S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess policy has non-allowed principals 123456789012
    - S3BucketPolicyPrincipalRule: S3 Bucket S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess policy has non-allowed principals 123456789012
    - S3BucketPolicyPrincipalRule: S3 Bucket S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess policy has non-allowed principals 123456789012
    - S3BucketPolicyPrincipalRule: S3 Bucket S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess policy has non-allowed principals 666555444333
    - S3BucketPolicyPrincipalRule: S3 Bucket S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess policy has non-allowed principals 123456789012
    - S3BucketPolicyPrincipalRule: S3 Bucket S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess policy has non-allowed principals 666555444333
    - S3BucketPublicReadAclAndListStatementRule: S3 Bucket S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess should not have a public read acl and list bucket statement

With --aws-account-id argument, 6 issues:

$ cfripper ./tests/test_templates/rules/S3CrossAccountTrustRule/s3_bucket_cross_account_and_normal.json --format txt --aws-account-id 123456789012 --resolve
Analysing ./tests/test_templates/rules/S3CrossAccountTrustRule/s3_bucket_cross_account_and_normal.json...
Using `UNDEFINED_PARAM_S3Bucket` for S3Bucket. Original value wasn't available.
Valid: False
Issues found:
    - PartialWildcardPrincipalRule: S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess should not allow wildcard in principals or account-wide principals (principal: 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/some-role/some-other-sub-role')
    - PartialWildcardPrincipalRule: S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess should not allow wildcard in principals or account-wide principals (principal: 'arn:aws:iam::666555444333:root')
    - S3BucketPolicyPrincipalRule: S3 Bucket S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess policy has non-allowed principals 666555444333
    - S3BucketPolicyPrincipalRule: S3 Bucket S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess policy has non-allowed principals 666555444333
    - S3BucketPublicReadAclAndListStatementRule: S3 Bucket S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess should not have a public read acl and list bucket statement
    - S3CrossAccountTrustRule: S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess has forbidden cross-account policy allow with arn:aws:iam::666555444333:root for an S3 bucket.

With both arguments, 4 issues:

$ cfripper ./tests/test_templates/rules/S3CrossAccountTrustRule/s3_bucket_cross_account_and_normal.json --format txt --aws-account-id 123456789012 --aws-principals 666555444333 --resolve
Analysing ./tests/test_templates/rules/S3CrossAccountTrustRule/s3_bucket_cross_account_and_normal.json...
Using `UNDEFINED_PARAM_S3Bucket` for S3Bucket. Original value wasn't available.
Valid: False
Issues found:
    - PartialWildcardPrincipalRule: S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess should not allow wildcard in principals or account-wide principals (principal: 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/some-role/some-other-sub-role')
    - PartialWildcardPrincipalRule: S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess should not allow wildcard in principals or account-wide principals (principal: 'arn:aws:iam::666555444333:root')
    - S3BucketPublicReadAclAndListStatementRule: S3 Bucket S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess should not have a public read acl and list bucket statement
    - S3CrossAccountTrustRule: S3BucketPolicyAccountAccess has forbidden cross-account policy allow with arn:aws:iam::666555444333:root for an S3 bucket.